Poetry Permissions

Student Poetry Requests

Dear Student, If you would like permission to use one of my poems or the art on this site for a report or to share with your friends, or in your classroom, you are more than WELCOME to do so! All I ask is that you MUST include the author's (and/or artist's)  name, and the copyright information.  A mention (or link back to) the web site, www.ClassroomPoems.com, would also be appreciated!

Teacher Poetry Requests

Dear Teacher, I  am delighted that you'd like to share any of my poems with your students! Yes, you can absolutely do this. Please include my name (Denise Rodgers) and copyright information, and if you are sharing electronically, please link back to this site!

For Poetry Webmasters

If you are a for-profit individual or enterprise, please read the Publisher information below. However, if you are in charge of a school, personal, or not-for-profit web site or blog, or would like to share one of my poems on social media, there is no special action required. I DO ask that you include the author name (that's me, Denise Rodgers) , and the copyright information. And please link back to this site!

Publishers, Editors, Anthologists Permissions

If you are interested in reprinting, reproducing, or publishing any of the poems on this site, in an anthology, textbook, on a web site, or on a CD or DVD -- or in any electronic or physical form -- please contact me in the form below.

Contact ClassroomPoems.com

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.