Autumn Poems for Kids

These autumn poems for kids are perfect for back-to-school reading in the classroom -- and for home schooling. 

Farmers market, autumn poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on

Autumn Poem #1

I don't know about you, but a page of autumn poems would not be complete without a poem about my favorite place for vegetables...the farmer's market. Please enjoy this first autumn poem.

The Farmers Market’s stocked with food,
especially come fall.
There’s bright red juicy apples,
pumpkins, gourds, in every stall.

Some farmers sell organic cheese,
some honey, eggs, and meats.
We pack our cart with goodies fresh
and then go home to eat!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Autumn poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on

Autumn Poem #2

The beautiful display of colorful leaves is what most of us think of when we think of autumn. They're beautiful to look at...and when the time comes, they're perfect for crunching with our feet!

The trees are kind of pretty
in their autumn gold and brown.
Leaves are bright orange-reddish.
But all will soon fall down.

Then they dry and crackle
as we crunch them with our shoes.
I guess it’s time for autumn now
as summer takes a snooze.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Autumn poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on

Autumn Poem #3

When I was a young girl, my grandfather used to share his prune plums with me. (He called them shlifkees, which is probably Yiddish for plums.) He once explained to me that the smallest plums are the best, and they come at the end of summer when it's nearly fall. 

My grandpa said
when plums are ripe
you know it’s turning fall.
Plums are not a summer fruit;
their sweetness comes in fall.
I think of Grandpa every year
when plums are turning ripe.
I wish that he could be with me.
I’d tell him – he was right!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Autumn poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on

Autumn Poem #4

Speaking of leaves...when the dry leaves gather in our yard, and especially after we rake them into piles, they because attractive play things. Here is a poem about these leaves, and a dog.

I saw a big plump pile of leaves,
piled up higher than my knees.
All crinkly red and gold and brown.
I didn’t hear it make a sound.
I ran into it with a slide.
Surprise! I found my dog inside!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Autumn Poem #5

Autumn poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on

The worst part of October
is to rake, rake, rake.
The leaves look kind of pretty
but it takes, takes, takes
an awful lot of effort
‘til you’re done, done, done.
But when the leaves are piled up
you have fun, fun, fun.
You take a running start
and then you leap, leap, leap
into the autumn leaves
all piled so deep, deep, deep.
Mom’s depressed –
where did the summer go, go, go?
But me – I’m looking forward
to the snow, snow, snow.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.

I hope you enjoyed these autumn poems for kids. Please check out the links below to other poetry pages you might enjoy!

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