April Fools Day Poems

Enjoy these April Fools Day poems for kids, and think of some fun April Fools jokes and pranks to play on family and friends.

April Fools Day Poems

April Fool's Day poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

The sun is green.
The sky is red.
I wear my shoes
upon my head.

When I sneeze,
I wipe my toes,
and hear me singing
through my nose.

I feel my elbows
start to drool.
And then I say it:
April Fools!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


April Fools Day Poems

April Fool's Day poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

Good morning, Mom. Please stay in bed.
My school is closed and so instead
of rushing out to race to school
go back to sleep.
Oh….April Fools!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


April Fools Day Poems

April Fool's Day poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

The snow outside is six feet high.
A bird just divebombed in my eye.
My socks just burst right into flames
for reasons I cannot explain.
I heard they’re shutting down the school.
Okay, the truth is
April Fools!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


April Fools Day Poems

April Fool's Day poems for kids by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

Our teacher brought in three large goats
who chewed on desks and then our coats.
At recess all the goats played dead,
then woke up, chewed on grass instead.
The principal stood on his head
and stayed there till his face turned red.
He bent his knees to take a bow.
I think he might still be there now.
Such a big weird day at school
Oh, really not!
Just  April Fools!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


We hope you enjoyed these April Fools Day poems for kids. People have been playing jokes and pranks on family and friends on this date for hundreds of years in many cultures around the globe. April 1st is a great time for light-hearted fun. Read a poem, share a poem, and if you're feeling clever, go ahead and fool someone. Today is  the day!

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