Haiku Examples

You've come to the right place for haiku examples. The form is pretty simple. Each poem consists of three lines of five, then seven, then five, syllables

Haiku examples by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.


Clean brisk day. The clouds
High in the sky. And then a
Crackling brown leaf falls.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Haiku examples by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.


Ice clings to cement
Shining dark and dangerous.
Be careful! Don't slip.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Haiku examples by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.


Sloppy puddles. Wet.
My dog's feet, tracking muddy
Paw prints on my floor.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Haiku examples by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.


I feel the sun's warmth
Baking on my skin. I watch
The flowers reach high.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Because traditional haiku are supposed to reflect the season or nature, that is exactly what these first four poems, above, illustrate. A good haiku will also catch you  by surprise with the last line.

Haiku Examples ~ Birthday Poems

Birthday Haiku by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

Happy Birthday! You
Are much older than age two.
Look great. Lucky you.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Birthday Haiku by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

How many candles
On your cake? The light glows like
One Big Birthday fire.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Birthday Haiku by Denise Rodgers on ClassroomPoems.com.

They say you're older
One year added to your age.
Lift your wings and fly.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


It can be a challenge communicating what you have in mind with the very specific parameters of the Haiku. (Thankfully, you don't have to rhyme, or it might be extremely difficult.) Once you get the hang of it, writing these poems can be a lot of fun. But truly, the best way to understand this poetic form is to read as many examples as you can. In a addition to the poems on this page, there are more on the funny haiku page of this web site.

I sure hope you enjoyed these poems. They were a lot of fun to write, which means that I will probably be writing more. All it takes it pen and paper -- or maybe a blank computer screen and a willing keyboard. If you're looking for samples to help get you started on your own, I wish you well. Don't forget that practice makes perfect, so write several poems, and then write some more. If you were here to simply read and enjoy, I say "Welcome!" And take a look at some of the additional links on this web page below.

For more Haiku Poetry go to:

  • The Haiku Rules for writing these short poems are strict.  While the format may seem confining, it can actually be fun to be creative within set guidelines.

    Haiku Rules

    The Haiku Rules for writing these short poems are strict. While the format may seem confining, it can actually be fun to be creative within set guidelines.

  •  Learn how to write a haiku in six easy steps.

    How to Write a Haiku

    Learn how to write a haiku in six easy steps.

  • Funny haiku poems are short, sweet, and a derivative.  Because true haiku poems by the masters are not intended to be funny.  But it IS fun to take a classic form and transform it into something new.

    Funny Haiku Poems

    Funny haiku poems are short, sweet, and a derivative. Because true haiku poems by the masters are not intended to be funny. But it IS fun to take a classic form and transform it into something new.

Poetry Permissions Denise Rodgers ClassroomPoems.com



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