Funny Irish Poems

Funny Irish poems have a special appeal to all genuine and honorary Irish people. Is it the leprechaun? The four-leaf clover? Is it a bit of blarney? 

Funny Irish Poem #1

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In the Village of Blarney
There’s one magic stone.
They say when you kiss it,
You’re put in “the zone.”
You talk and you gab and
Your words are so glib
That it matters not least
If it’s truth or a fib.
So it’s lie through your teeth
Or its truth that you own.
It’s all in the gift
of the kissed Blarney Stone.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


The first funny poem is all about the famous Irish gift of gab and the legend of the Blarney stone. This stone is very inconveniently placed in the base of the Blarney Castle in the city of Blarney, in County Cork. Ireland. People have to practically bend over backward to kiss it, (and then there is the matter of germs, but I digress...) A kiss on the Blarney stone is supposed to give you the gift of gab. Not ordinary gab. Persuasive gab.

Funny Irish Poem #2

Irish poems for kids on

The next  poem is a limerick about a man from Cork, Ireland. Some people think that limericks are Irish poems, because "Limerick" is a city in Ireland. However, despite its name, the limerick was first popularized in England, back in 1845, with Edward Lear's "Book of Nonsense." Please go to my limerick page to see an Edward Lear original, as well as a few limericks of my own. Better yet, go directly to my Irish Limericks page for a sampling of limericks about Ireland.

The following limerick, by yours truly, is  about a very good eater from Cork, Ireland. Once again, click on the map below for more information about Cork.

There once was a fellow from Cork
Who ate giant portions of pork,
Roasted beef and wild duck.
And his manners? Well, yuck!
Perhaps one day he’ll use a fork.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Funny Irish Poem #3

The next funny poem is about Ireland's magical number "three." Although many people think that the Irish Shamrock is a four-leaf clover (for luck), the truth is that the legend of the shamrock comes from Saint Patrick who used the three-leaf clover to explain the trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), using the clover to show how three entities could form as one.

There are some other notable "threes," as you will see.

Irish poems for kids on

The magic number is Ireland’s Three,
A wonderful grouping, between you and me.
Here is one version:
The Crone-Mother-Virgin.
All faithful will hear it:
Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
This is no rarity:
Faith, Hope and Charity.
Just one more fit
Is Love, Valor, Wit.
Read all these threesomes put down here to see,
The magical number of Ireland’s Three.

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


Funny Irish Poem #4

The next and final funny Irish poem on this page is about the famous leprechaun. The leprechaun, according to Irish folklore, is a tiny old man of about two feet in height, a cobbler (shoemaker) by trade, who is both mischievous and rich. Rich with a capital "R." These little guys are the owners of those pots of gold at the end of rainbows and in other cleverly hidden places.

According to Irish mythology, a leprechaun can be forced into sharing his gold with you. But, of course, there is a catch. In order to convince him to share, you must keep your eyes on him constantly. If you turn your head, he's likely to vanish in the blink of an eye. Click on the art below to see more information about Ireland.

Irish poems for kids on

The Leprechaun is an Irish faery
From down County Cork or from far Tipperary.
They’re tiny and short,
A mere two feet in height.
They work on their shoes
And their terrible fright
Is that you will stop by
And demand all their gold
All hidden away in a
Tree’s hollow hold.

Turn your eyes for a moment,
(They’re tricky and clever).
This faery will flee.
So a plan that is better,
In my own opinion,
Truth to be told,
Just pay him a visit,
And earn your own gold!

by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
All rights reserved.


I certainly hope that you've enjoyed this collection of funny Irish poems!
For more funny poems, please go to

Funny Irish Limericks

Funny Limericks

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